» » » » Wall decal Glow in the dark Alien in sky

Wall decal Glow in the dark Alien in sky

Reference : phos-ROS-A021
phosphorescent wall decals - Wall decal Wall decal Glow in the dark Alien in sky - ambiance-sticker.com
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phosphorescent wall decals - Wall decal Wall decal Glow in the dark Alien in sky - ambiance-sticker.comphosphorescent wall decals - Wall decal Wall decal Glow in the dark Alien in sky - ambiance-sticker.comphosphorescent wall decals - Wall decal Wall decal Glow in the dark Alien in sky - ambiance-sticker.com
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19.00€ 12.90€
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French made Lifespan: 5 years Easy to install Nontoxic

Phosphorescent wall decals for your interior decoration!

These phosphorescent wall decals and this wall decal Alien in sky can give you ideas for decorating.


This phosphorescent sticker must be exposed to light for 1 hour to shine 5 hours.

Where can I stick this wall sticker?

This wall sticker will be perfect on the wall above your bed or in your kids bedroom!

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